God's Provision

by Cliff

In 2008, as I was on the net, I bumped into a website advertising a conference at the Green lake (Holy Spirit Renewal Ministries), Wisconsin. I asked the Conference chairman if I could attend.He said if I could pay my way to the conference,I would get free board and food.
I got my visa and bought my ticket with the last coins I had and off I flew to the conference only to arrive at Milwaukee Airport and the organizers had forgotten I was arriving from Kenya. I remained at the Airport until it was closed but made friends with the security guard who I shared the Gospel with and he took it to himself to call the conference Chairman.
Finally, my ride arrived and got a nice sleep and participated in the conference entire week.
But all through the week, I did not know how I would travel to Portland, Oregon for another conference.
As we closed the conference,the following morning a couple came to pick me up, a fellow pastor had told me they will pick me the previous night.I never told anyone I had a financially problem.
We drove to the Airport, thinking we were driving all the way to my destination only for the brother driving to tell me to take my luggage from the car and we headed to a private jet not far away.He owned the private jet.
He flew his wife to Montana,his hometown, refueled and flew me to Oregon. he never said a word at embarkation but said, Cliff God bless you and he turned and flew away.
Remember I did not have money. At the Oregon Airport, I did not know how to get to my hotel a distance away.
A white guy shows up and says he has taxi and could drive me to my destination. I find myself saying yes by faith but shaking deep within me because I did not have the money to pay him.
On our way he asks me where I was from. On hearing I was from Kenya,he shouted, "You are my brother because I was born and went to school in Kenya" and therefore, I wont charge you a dime. He drove me for free and told me if I had any problem to contact him. I never did because God met my needs.
God provided and I ended up staying here for three months.
God is able to provide!

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